Project Title:
Study on sprinkler irrigation
Project Abstract:
In arıd and semı-arıd areas ın Indıa, water requırement for ırrıgatıon purpose ıs a
maȷor problem. In recent tımes varıous mıcro ırrıgatıon systems lıke drıp ırrıgatıon and
sprınkler ırrıgatıon systems are used to take the maxımum use of water whıch ıs supplıed
very lımıtedly. Due to economy, mınımum labour work, Government subsıdy and
maxımum output among all ırrıgatıon systems, sprınkler ırrıgatıon system has become
very popular. The sprınkler system ırrıgates the fıeld drop by drop and thus ıt ıs wıdely
used as ıt checks the wastage of water through seepage and evaporatıon. Conveyance
losses are also mınımum. Sprınkler ırrıgatıon system applıes water unıformly to the soıl
surface. When ırrıgatıon sprınklers are ınstalled ın conventıonal manner then due to
non-unıform water dıstrıbutıon, varıatıon ın the area of wettıng dıameter, ground slope,
varıed nozzle pressure we cannot get requıred effıcıency and unıformıty. The study area ıs
sıtuated ın Kodram vıllage ın Banaskantha Dıstrıct, Guȷarat. The total area of the fıeld ıs
2.49 Ha. The study wıll be carrıed out ın a part of a fıeld whıch ıs 0.53 Ha ın area. In thıs
study experıments are performed to evaluate the specıfıcatıons of the system by the
manufacturer to fınd out the : area ırrıgated by ındıvıdual sprınkler, unıformıty coeffıcıent
of ırrıgatıon, ındıvıdual sprınkler dıscharge, wetted area radıus. The calculated values by
experıment are compared wıth the values provıded by the manufacturer
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