Architecture Detailing And Planing Civil Engineering download free Project Reports, Project Abstracts, Project PPT. Here we also provide latest collection of Civil projects for Civil Engineering and Diploma students. Students looking for ideas on Civil projects can find topics with abstracts and reports,Ideas for free download.
Architecture Detailing And Planing INTRODUCTION
Site Planning and building form are very important from the point of view of seismic performance of the structure. Also it is very important to have proper compatibility of elements resisting seismic forces. Site planning and selection of building forms is the first step in designing of any structure and the decisions taken are very crucial for the behavior of those structures during any earthquake. Based on examples taken from various past earthquakes and theories, this project gives guidelines for site planning, selection of building form and formulation of architectural design concepts for earthquake resistant structures in the earthquake prone zones.
Compliance to site regulations is very important and has a historical basis. Even Napoleon had imposed regulations for compliance as for loss of serviceability in a construction project within 10 years of construction; say foundation failure or poor workmanship; the contractor and the architect were to be sent to prison. Whether such and other rules from ancient times stopped all failures is not known, but they certainly were a deterrent to shoddy construction practices and eliminated the possibility of repetitive malpractices. Present day law and order demands accountability for professional performance. One must be well aware @ past experience regarding architectural design concepts, from past earthquakes.
Architecture Detailing And Planing Download Project Report in word and Power Presentation PPT
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