Free Download Project Online Music Library in PHP with my sql with source code, DfD,Project Report For Last Semester Student Computer Engineering,Diploma,BCA,MSC-IT,MCA.Online Music Library php project is aimed at developing an Online Music Library system. This System is an Internet based application that can be accesses throughout the Net and can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection.This application will automate the listening and downloading the songs. This application includes email confirmation for the songs downloading to the user.
This new Online Music Library project in PHP is enabled with most new advanced features which are hardly available under premium software package. This Online Music Library project in PHP will able to store more than 2000 mp3 songs, more than 1000 HD videos and other regional songs. Here storage capacity can be increased by increasing the size of table and also depend upon the size of server. Its users will able to search the music library using song title name, year of release etc. However the advanced search medium will provide more flexible way to get the desired result in short interval of time. After using this category, users will get song or video name, its size, movie or album name, singer, release date.
This new Online Music Library project in ASP.Net is enabled with advanced features which are hardly available under premium software package. This Online Music Library will able to store more than 2000 songs, and more than 1000 HD Videos. The storage capacity can be increased by increasing server and table size. The users will able to search the music library using song title name, year of release etc. The advanced search will provide more flexible way to get quicker results. Users will get song or video by name, its size, movie or album name, singer, release date, movie songs and videos. It also categorize the videos and songs in regional languages Like Punjabi, Bangla, and Gujarati. When users click these options they will get the list of songs and videos. Users will be provided with video, and mp3 sections. The front page will display images of those songs and videos which has been recently released in the market. The users will be able stream their songs and videos from any.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
(1) Processor: Intel Core I3 or above
(2) RAM: 512 MB
(3) Hard Disc: 20 GB
Minimum Software Requirements
(1) Front End Tool: PHP
(2) Back End Tool: MySQL
(3) Development Tools: Adobe Dreamweaver, WAMP Server
(4) Browser: Any browser
Front End Language: PHP,HTML,JAVA Script
Back End/Database Tools:My Sql
Others Tools: Adobe Dreamweaver, WAMP Server
Download free E-Music Library System PHP Project
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