Project Title: Use Of Red Sand As A Green Material With Replacement To Natural Sand In Concrete Civil Engineering
Project Abstract:
Waste management is a fundamental component of any manufacturing or
production enterprise. It is estimated that there are million tons of quarrying waste are
produced each year. The excessive wastage of materials, improper management on-site
and low awareness of the need for waste reduction is common in the local construction
sites in India. With the urge for development and to satisfy the needs and wants, working
and growth of the Construction Industry is unavoidable. Over the last two decades material
management, the world over has gained recognition as a science to be studied extensively
and applied systematically to ensure the efficiency and viability of any industry. This thesis
discusses the various waste material management methods/techniques for effective waste
material management for minimization of project cost and better material management
through a case study of construction. Construction waste is generated throughout the
construction process such as during site clearance, material use, material damage, material
non-use, excess procurement, and human error. The exact quantity and composition of
construction waste generated throughout the projects are difficult to be identified as they
are kept on changing due to the dynamic nature of the construction activities. Different
stages of construction generate different types and compositions of waste. Therefore the
trend of waste generated throughout the construction stages needs to be identified.
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