Online Restaurant Management System Php Project with source code, DFD,Project Report For Last Semester Student Computer Engineering,Diploma,BCA,MSC-IT,MCA. user can give order online.here u can download Online Restaurant Management project in php with free of cost.Free Download Online Restaurant Project in Php with my sql with source code,Project Report For Last Semester Student Computer Engineering,Diploma,BCA,MSC-IT,MCA.
Online Restaurant Management System Project Details:
Project Abstract:
Let’s concentrate on booking area in a restaurant. In traditional booking system, a customer has to make a phone call in order to get his meal reserved. If luckily the phone gets connected, then the customer does some formal conversation like hello, hi, etc. Than he demands for today’s menu and do some discussion over menu items then he orders and he has to give some of this identification specifications. This process takes 5-8 minutes to complete. On the receiver side there is hardly one phone line and one operator. So he can cover around 15-20 orders maximum in an hour.
For each booking he has to register manually on paper and puts the order in a queue with specific priority according to time and quantity, and than a cook is assigned for the specific order to complete it.
Online Restaurant Management in this project user can register and give order online and pay payment online with payment gateway.and also give feedback of restaurant facilities and services.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
(1) Processor: Intel Core I3 or above
(2) RAM: 512 MB
(3) Hard Disc: 20 GB
Minimum Software Requirements
(1) Front End Tool: PHP
(2) Back End Tool: MySQL
(3) Development Tools: Adobe Dreamweaver, WAMP Server
(4) Browser: Any browser
Front End Language: PHP,HTML,JAVA Script
Back End/Database Tools:My Sql
Others Tools: Adobe Dreamweaver, WAMP Server
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